Aurora Australis = the southern lights

April 24, 2006, 11:33 a.m.

Oh yeah man I gots me a new layout that I MADE MYSELF! Oh yeah man. Oh yeeeah. Dreamweaver + study skills + skillz = pwn3ss.

Yeah bizznatch you know this layout pwns your mom. It does it does it does. I got mad dreamweaver skills oh yes I do that's right yessiree.

We found three ticks on Tee-dawg yesterday. It was sad. And really gross. They were deer ticks. Want to see a picture of a deer tick? Click here. They're nasty little things. So freaking ugly and they're leeches and they suck your blood and infect you with lyme disease, it's so gross.

I should have done freaking homework during this time but I didn't well I sort of was, studying about auroras which is what my biology final project is going to be on because I like things that go on in the sky and astronomy and stuff.

I was at Marblemount this past weekend and I saw some planets but I couldn't look at them through telescopes but I swear one of them was Saturn because I will also swear I could almost make out its rings with my bare eyes. So I'm kind of disappointed that I could not see its rings but its alright.

I have to walk up the Humanities hill today which SUCKS so bad. I hate bus tickets, bus passes are so much better and much more convenient. For real. I am not even kidding...nope. Not even.

ASDF I still have to update the archives page because I'm awesome like that why thank you yes I am okay well I've been rambling so yes I will go now see ya later gangsta.

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