That One Kid, the Auroras

April 25, 2006, 5:28 p.m.

From math class earlier today:

8:55 AM

I took the 11 today. That one kid was on it. That one kid is awesome. Except not really. Except sort of. Except I don't know. I don't really know that one kid (abbreviated from here on out as TOK) very well and TOK doesn't really know me very well. And TOK never talks to me. Maybe TOK is shy.

I am not losing my mind...I'm calling TOK TOK for a reason...I know TOK's real name but I do not want to say what it is. But yes I like TOK. I just wish TOK liked me. Maybe TOK does, who knows?I wish TOK would talk to me but TOK doesn't really, TOK knows my name though, that's a start. At least, I would consider it a start.

Writing about TOK feels weird. What if TOK found out about this? Not that TOK would know it was about themself but still. So I'm going to stop now.

TEE HEE. Heeheehee heeeeeee.

I should write out my hypothesis for my final bio project. It's about the auroras borealis and australis although it has nothing to do with biology. BUT I like astronomy-related things so I am doing the auroras. Yes.

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