Mark Hamill's house was threatened by wildfires

November 03, 2007, 10:31 p.m.

This is kind of interesting:

"Star Wars" actor Mark Hamill and his wife, Marilou, are packed and prepared to leave their Malibu home if the fires encroach further, according to his representative.

"They're still at the house and they have their cars packed with what they could pack and they have their animals all together," Marc Bass told "But their house has not burned down. I think if they're told to leave, they'll leave."

I hope their house didn't burn down! But it probably didn't. If it did, it would have been on the news or something.

And at least Mark Hamill is smart, they packed and had their things together for a quick getaway. The news made it sound like some people were caught off guard and lost lots of important items.

It must be the left-handedness.

I tell you, if there was any chance my house was in danger from wildfires, I'd have my most important stuff packed in a heartbeat, just in case.

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