Skeptics stay away! Just let ghost believers believe!

March 12, 2007, 7:04 p.m.

In response to the comments left on this video

They use the "debunk" thing to sound more credible and put more emphasis on the things they "can't" debunk. A crew of 20 people running around a house, and they wonder about strange sounds and shadows? Interesting: Season one: About 25% of the places haunted. Season 2: Over 50% of the places haunted. THINK about that.

There are not 20 people running around, there are usually five investigators tops, and I�m guessing maybe one or two camera men? They don�t need very many people for cameras, since the investigators use handhelds a lot. So that�s seven, a lot less people than 20.

Also, MANY investigators have spent MANY nights in supposedly haunted locations, and caught NOTHING, then TAPS taps along for one night and suddenly it's a HauntFest. I guess the ghosts were waiting for the CELEBRITY investigators (who won't turn over their raw material for 3rd party inspection, btw). I'm quite neutral on the subject of ghosts, but I'm positive that TAPS is a scam.

Since most people would find watching an investigation where nothing is found boring, they probably just don�t air those on TV. Therefore, it appears that every investigation they go on they find something, when in reality not every investigation is aired on TV.

ok those look like dust or something that flys out of the air not orbs

The dust particles in the video were never even considered to be orbs if my memory serves me right, those were always thought to be dust.

That's the fastest floating dust I've ever SEEN! This is priceless. I caught this episode when it first aired and couldn't turn it off because I was so amazed at the cheap parlour tricks they pull off. What's truly scary is how many people believe this 15-frames-per-second DV-camera trick is the real deal! Wake up, sillies!

Old buildings, especially large old buildings can be quite drafty.

Well jeez, just let those who want to believe believe! Not everyone has to view things the same way. Some people are always going to believe no matter what, and some people are never going to believe no matter what. And the arguments here are not getting anywhere.

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