Kissing a smoker isn't just as gross

March 17, 2006, 10:10 a.m.


Kiss me, I'm puking
Posted by Evan Derkacz on January 27, 2006 at 7:14 AM.

These twisted new anti-smoking ads from Sedwick Rd, while truly ingenious creations are, unfortunately, unlikely to be effective.

Tim Nudd describes:

"It stars a bunch of creepy, horny little dolls who are constantly stalking each other, desperate to do a little passionate kissing. But wouldn�t you know it�one of them always ruins the vibe by sticking something disgusting in his or her mouth. A cockroach, a rat, a bird, a balled-up chunk of cat puke, whatever�s around. 'Kissing a smoker is just as gross,' explains the tagline."

I like the switch from scaring kids with death (hah! know any pre-teens frightened of death?) to scaring them with the loss of sex. Thing is, kissing a smoker isn't just as gross and you lose credibility when you claim it.

Well finally someone else realizes it. I would much rather kiss a smoker than someone with a dead, thrown up fish in their mouth.

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