Mr. Bond is the devil.

December 14, 2005, 11:11 a.m.

Mr. Bond bustled in two minutes late after class began. He set his books down on his desk. He turned around to the podium to start class and say the class prayer, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw one of his many papers float down from his desk.

He knelt down and picked it up and set it back down on the desk. While he was doing this he suddenly felt very cold. He shivered. Maybe he was coming down with something.

He turned back to the podium again.

"Dear Lord," he began, but stopped, for he could hear the rustling of the papers on his desk. He turned around to see that the same paper he'd placed on his desk a moment ago was on the floor again. He looked at the windows. They were closed tightly. The door was also shut. It wasn't a windy day.

He picked up the paper again and put it back on his desk.

Again, for the third time he returned to the podium.

But he didn't even have a chance to begin his prayer, because the paper had once again flown off the desk. Not to the floor this time but to his face. It smacked him as hard as a peice of paper could, then floated lazily to the ground.

"What...?" he went over and double-checked the windows.

His students weren't paying him much attention. Ben G. and Ben L. were whispering in the back of the room and Rachel and Sarah were both finishing their drawings for art next period.

Mr. Bond was back at the podium halfway through prayer when a book flew off the shelf behind him and clubbed him in the head. It just happened to be the heaviest book he had, so it took him about a minute to recompose himself. He glanced down at the book on the floor. He started when he saw it was open to page 666.

He looked up at the students who were now all watching him with confused looks on their faces.

"Are you okay?" Jordan asked him.

"Yeah..." He shivered though, he felt like he had a very bad cold. The air felt icy, and he swore to himself that he could see his breath.

Someone screamed. Everyone turned to look at her. Her face was a yellowish white, she looked terrified. The rest of the class looked to where she was looking and a few others screamed as well. For there was a face hovering over Mr. Bond's head.

The end.

That ghost would be me.

Haunting Mr. Bond.

Who is the devil's incarnate.

In disguise as a teacher at a Christian school.

If I could haunt ANYONE, or if I could be invisible, I would stalk and haunt him. Oh yes. Yes yes yes yes. I want revenge sooo bad for screwing everyone over.

You look like an angel
Walk like an angel
Talk like an angel
But I got wise
You're the devil in disguise
Oh yes you are
The devil in disguise

You fooled me with your kisses*
You cheated and you schemed*
Heaven knows how you lied to me*
You're not the way you seemed*

You look like an angel
Walk like an angel
Talk like an angel
But I got wise

You're the devil in disguise
Oh yes you are
The devil in disguise

I thought that I was in heaven
But I was sure surprised
Heaven help me, I didn't see
The devil in your eyes

You look like an angel
Walk like an angel
Talk like an angel

But I got wise
You're the devil in disguise
Oh yes you are
The devil in disguise

You're the devil in disguise
Oh yes you are
The devil in disguise
Oh yes you are
The devil in disguise

Elvis Presley
(You're The) Devil in Disguise

* - uuhhhhhh doesn't apply

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