First day of school - FINALLY a shophomore

September 05, 2005, 5:35 p.m.

My first day of academic school was today. I really liked it. Darby was in my Algebra I class (yes, algebra I, I suck at math) so at least I knew someone. I seemed to know someone in every class, which was nice. Chamber orchestra I knew Alex and Sonia and Roland and Rachel and Maggie and Tor...well actually I don't know Tor very well, he's in my mentor group, that's the only reason I know him.

I didn't mind the really long day. SOTA starts at 8:15 and goes until 4:00. I thought it was going to seem like forever, but it didn't really. The classes are an hour and 45 minutes, but they went pretty fast. Math, 20 minute passing, Chamber Orchestra, 45 minute lunch, Humanities (History and English combined), 20 minutes passing, Modern Dance, school's out.

The school's buildings are spread out all over downtown so we took the buses in between the buildings. I love riding the bus.

So I really enjoyed school today. It was nice this morning knowing I was going to see friends. It's been two years since I've been able to go to school knowing I'll see friends. I really liked it.

I hope I won't stop liking it though, like I did with Covenant. This is like a last resort....I don't want to go back to Wilson or Stadium, I wouldn't be able to change my mind if I hated it there.

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