Can't stand it

Wednesday, Jun. 23, 2010, 21:20

Still haven't taken care of the overdraft problem. Only just got a reply from XM. Will call tomorrow...I'm very stressed out about it though, it's really bothering me. Probably more than it should be. And this movie we're watching right now, a drama mystery, is not helping anything.

Oh and did I mention my grandma is not doing well at all? Yeah, apparently she's bedridden and refuses to get out of bed and she's depressed and her will to live has pretty much dad was telling us all this and I kind of broke's so weird imagining life without her...she's always been around, throughout my 21 years of life...okay now I'm getting all emotional again.

I dunno. I'm really stressed out and not in a good mood at all.

So stressed outtttt.

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