See how they fly like Lucy in the sky, see how they snide, I'm crying, I'm cryyyyyyyyying

Thursday, Aug. 27, 2009, 23:08

Feeling slightly down. So-so day. Very tired. It is not yet midnight but I think I will go to bed within the next 15 minutes...unusually early for me.

I hope tomorrow will be better...I need to go to the post office tomorrow and mail a book out that I sold on Amazon, and then I need to go to the library and return a CD...and...yeah. Except I don't want to. I hate the Proctor district, I'm always afraid of seeing people I know. Because it's always people that I either don't like or don't know very well so it's awkward.

Anyway...I don't have anything more to say. I am going to bed.

Crap, I have to come up with a song lyric for the description.

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