Valentine's Day 2006

February 14, 2006, 3:54 p.m.

Not gonna write a very long entry right now. Must take a nap first.

Buuut yeah I hate Valentine's Day. Actually I don't. I don't hate it but I don't like it much either. And I ate a crapload of chocolate this morning so at lunch I felt like puking (although not enough to keep me from eating my totally PWNing Muenster cheese imported from Finland and the organic version of Ritz crackers) and now I have a bit of a headache.

And Humanities (English/History combined) really sucked, Jeff had a seizure in Shapiro's class next to ours so a firetruck and an ambulence came, and I'm about 15 chapters behind in Their Eyes Were Watching God. So I'm debating whether to finish the book (which wouldn't take me long I'm thinking) or take a nap. Right now I'm kind of leaning towards taking a nap...

Today I got two Valentines. A Superman one and a Cinderella one. It kind of surprised me, but now that I think about it, it shouldn't have surprised me, people at my school are awesome. Not like people at other high schools, where only the most popular people get anything, and they carry around about 5 stuffed animals, balloons, chocolates, flowers, wrapped presents, etc. It's ridiculous. Sure there was some of that at SOTA but not much. Because my school is mainly comprised of mainstream high school rejects and losers and the loners, such as myself.

Yeah well I'm gonna go now.

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