I freaking forgot my viola at school today, homophobes

February 07, 2006, 11:09 p.m.

Oh freaking crap, I forgot my viola at school today. And I have solo and ensemble this Saturday so I really needed to practice my part for the quartet but noooo I was stupid and wasn't paying attention and left it on the couch in the orchestra room. At least I know where it is (at least I hope it's still there...it may be a crappy instrument for what it is but it's still worth $1,500) and I didn't leave it on a bus or something. But GOD, it was really idiotic of me to forget it at school. I mean really. Jeez.

Anyway, so today I was on myspace and I found this anti-gay group. It made me pretty mad...I have at least seven gay, bi and lesbian friends and they're all normal and pretty awesome people. I don't think being gay is a choice. At least not a conscious one. Why the hell would they choose to be looked down on and hated? It doesn't make much sense to me.

Another thing that bothers me is when people say they are not homophobic but their actions prove otherwise. I'll even go as far as to admit that I myself used to be homophobic, back before I personally knew a homosexual.

Dick Cheney is an ass. He should know all this but he ignorantly denies rights to someone he supposedly loves and cares about. Or maybe formerly loved and cared about. Who knows.

That is all.

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