Cloudy, Birthday Party

July 30, 2004, 2:55 p.m.

It's sort of cloudy today, a big change from the last month. It's been sunny and in the late 90's (Fahrenheit) for a long time now.

I miss the winter though, I keep wishing it would snow. I love the snow, winter is my favorite season.

I gotta go to a birthday party today. Hannah's turning fifteen on the 1st. I can't wait for my next birthday. I'm going to be sixteen in January. I'm going to be in Aspen, Colorado then. Skiing. Fun. Even though I don't ski. Heh.

I think I'm going to get Hannah the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack.

I gotta tape TRL tonight, since I won't be here to watch it but I really want to see it, since they are going to be on the set of the 4th Harry Potter movie.

Anyway...I gotta go find something to occupy myself until I'm not just bored the whole day.

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