Bass camp, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Tom Felton

July 12, 2004, 8:51 a.m.

Erica left for Hammond Ashley bass camp earlier...she had to leave really early this morning, and she woke me up, trying to find my copy of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I was reading it and I knew she was going to try and take it so I had hidden it. But then she got really mad at me and told mom who was of course on her side and made me tell her where I hid the book.

So now I'm really bored...what am I supposed to read now? I'd already read it before, but I hadn't read it for a long time...and that's probably the book I've read the least amount of time, compared to the other books.

My mom said she'd take me to the library to check it out but she's not home from Seattle yet. And I don't think the library is open yet anyway, but...

Hahaha I just remembered I don't have a library card anymore, I threw it out. I had a really high fine there for having a book for a few months. It was really dumb, I didn't even know I had the book, and they didn't send me any overdue notices or anything.

Oh well...

Saw Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban again last night. That's two days in a row going to the movies. My sister is in love with Tom Felton now. Meh...he's really hot and everything but I don't like him all that much...but I would like to see some old movies that he was in when he was little. Like I do with Elijah Wood movies. It's so funny watching them, because they always seem so little.

Crap, I think my dog just barfed...gotta go.

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