My Earthquake Experience...

December 23, 2003, 2:27 p.m.

Neopets is down and I am very bored and there is nothing to do! I just checked my email and got a reply from my cousin Emily about the earthquake in CA yesterday. It happened about 7 hours away from where she lives, she said, so it didn't affect her. But we started talking about other big earthquakes we'd been in.

I've been in a 6.8 earthquake, when I was in 6th grade, four years ago. It was really friend Teresa and I were doing the mile run during P.E., running laps around the school, when there was this big sound. Earthquakes sound like everyone says they do, like a big truck going by. That's what I thought it was at first.

So anyway, there was a big noise, and just when I was starting to wonder what it was, the ground started rolling. It looked like waves on the water. The cement was rolling up and down. I'd never seen anything like it.

My first instict was to grab a tree, but then I thought better of it. Grabbing a tree would be a really stupid thing to do...

Anyway, we were near the lunchroom, and the lunch ladies were running out of the side door that went into the school kitchen and they were all yelling, "Earthquake!" It was kind of scary...but it was all over pretty quickly. I didn't know at that time how big it was. I knew it was bigger than most, but I didn't know how big.

So I just kept walking around the building until one of the teachers yelled at Teresa and I to get onto the field, where the school was evacuating to. It was only then when I realized how big this was...

There was some damage to the school. Some of the ceiling tiles in the auditorium had fallen and were on the floor and there were huge cracks in the walls. It didn't matter much, though, because the school was going to be demolished and rebuilt the next year anyway.

So we stood out on the field for about two hours...which was really boring. that's my earthquake story. I've been thinking about earthquakes a lot lately...

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