Friday, May. 07, 2010, 19:22

ilovestevemarriott. I DO I DO I DO.

Fucking CUTE. The fact that he was 5'6" is a huge turn on. He was especially MMMM in the Small Faces days (I'm not really a big fan of the facial hair circa the Humble Pie era but he was still... indescribable....) Awwwwwwwwww I just....want him. I WANTTT HIMMMM. Too bad it's 40 years later and he's dead. Shit, I had horrible timing :( And bad location-ing. I shoulda been born in London.

Anyway, thank god it's Friday. Very long week.

After I turned in my psychology paper about Keith Richards my psychology professor assigned the class to go "goof around" outside, saying we needed to lower our cortisol/stress levels. She forbade us to study. That was pretty awesome. And it was a beautiful day today so that made it even better.

So Carrie and I walked to the other end of campus and drew on the sidewalk with bark (I felt like a little kid again, haha) and then we went over to the ghetto gas station across the street where they have photos of people who have robbed them taped to the windows. Then I went to my music class. All in all a pretty good use of psychology class time, I'd say!

Currently Listening to: Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand

This album really reminds me of the trip to California from when I was 15. My sister and I listened to this album nonstop. This, and Yellowcard's Ocean Avenue. Maybe I'll listen to that tonight...maybe. Just for nostalgia.

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