Televangelists are the anti christs

September 28, 2006, 8:03 p.m.

Eeeeeeeeeewwwwww, Jerry Falwell.

"Falwell grew up in a strongly segregationist setting and supported racial segregation for the first few years of his career. His views eventually shifted and he is now strongly against segregation."

Yeah right he's changed.

"Falwell has repeatedly denounced certain teachings in public schools and secular education in general, calling them breeding grounds for atheism, secularism, and humanism, which he claims are in contradiction with Christian morality."


"Jerry Falwell wrote in America Can Be Saved that 'I hope I live to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won't have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them.'"

That will never happen. 1. because of people like him, 2. because people LIKE diversity....I for one like diversity. 3. If everyone ended up being Christian, then who would there be to evangelize to?

"Falwell's infomercial for the 80-minute tape included footage of Falwell interviewing a silhouetted journalist who was afraid for his life. The journalist accused Clinton of orchestrating the deaths of several reporters and personal confidants who had gotten too close to his illegalities. However, it was subsequently revealed that the silhouetted journalist was, in fact, Patrick Matrisciana, the producer of the video and president of Citizens for Honest Government. 'Obviously, I'm not an investigative reporter,' Matrisciana admitted (to investigative journalist Murray Waas), 'and I doubt our lives were actually ever in any real danger. That was Jerry's idea to do that ... He thought that would be dramatic.'"

"During a TV debate in Sacramento, California, Falwell denied calling the homosexual-oriented Metropolitan Community Churches 'brute beasts' and 'a vile and Satanic system' that will 'one day be utterly annihilated and there will be a celebration in heaven.'

When Sloan insisted he had a tape, Falwell promised $5,000 if he could produce it. Sloan did, Falwell refused to pay, and Sloan successfully sued. Falwell appealed, with his attorney charging that the Jewish judge in the case was prejudiced. He lost again and was forced to pay an additional $2,875 in sanctions and court fees."

That's just really bad...blatant lying....oohhhh dear.

"After the September 11, 2001 attacks Falwell said on the 700 Club, 'I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'

After heavy criticism, Falwell apologised. As for homosexuality, Falwell remarked, 'AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals.'"

How come people always associate A.I.D.S. with homosexuals? Heterosexuals get it too...probably more often, too.

"'Labor unions should study and read the Bible instead of asking for more money. When people get right with God, they are better workers.'"

That's easy for him to say, rolling around in his bazillions of dollars. He knows nothing about poverty, and the single moms of 5 who are struggling to make ends meet on a minimum wage job from Wal-Mart with no benefits. Of course, he'd probably say something to the extent of "They deserve it." Ugggh.


In his words, "We did long, grueling marches to toughen the men, plus refresher training in firearms and bayonet combat." In the same year he transferred to Korea, "I ended up at the headquarters command of the First Marine Division," says Robertson. "The Division was in combat in the hot and dusty, then bitterly cold portion of North Korea just above the 38th Parallel later identified as the 'Punchbowl' and 'Heartbreak Ridge.' For that service in the Korean War, the Marine Corps awarded me three battle stars for 'action against the enemy.'"[2]

"However, former Republican Congressman Paul "Pete" McCloskey, Jr., who served with Robertson in Korea, claimed that Robertson was actually spared combat duty when his powerful father, a U.S. Senator, intervened on his behalf, claiming that instead Robertson spent most of his time in an office in Japan. According to McCloskey, his time in the service was not in combat but as the "liquor officer" responsible for keeping the officers' clubs supplied with liquor."

Doesn't surprise me. His big rich daddy saved him.

"Robertson ran on a very conservative platform. Among his policies, he wanted to ban pornography, reform the education system, eliminate Conrail and Amtrak, and eliminate departments such as the Department of Education and the Department of Energy. He also supported a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced federal budget."

Of course get rid of passenger trains - you want them to buy cars from the big car corporations and gas from the gas corporations. And the department of energy? Of course. Privatize it.

"But I tell you stay in doors ladies and gentleman. Stay cool. Get fans or whatever. And the poor, they need emergency fans and ice to cool down � the number of people dead. I have not been one who believed in the global warming. But I tell you, they are making a convert out of me as these blistering summers. They have broken heat records in a number of cities already this year and broken all-time records and it is getting hotter and the ice caps are melting and there is a build up of carbon dioxide in the air. We really need to address the burning of fossil fuels. If we are contributing to the destruction of the planet we need to do [something] about it."

Well finally.

"On January 14, 1991, on The 700 Club, Pat Robertson attacked a number of Protestant denominations when he declared: "You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist."[8] He has never recanted this statement, though he has supported the election of certain Episcopalians."

Wow. That's supposed to really get people to like you.

"Robertson has described feminism as a "socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.""

Holy crap. Yeah, wanting equal pay is the same as killing children. They just want people to make their food for them. Lazy ass bums.

"On the June 8, 1998 edition of his show, Robertson denounced Orlando, Florida and Disney World for allowing a privately sponsored "Gay Days" weekend. Robertson stated that the acceptance of homosexuality could result in hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, terrorist bombings and "possibly a meteor.""

"Robertson has also been accused of using his tax-exempt, nonprofit organization, Operation Blessing, as a front for his own financial gain, and then using his influence in the Republican Party to cover his tracks. After making emotional pleas in 1994 on The 700 Club for cash donations to Operation Blessing to support airlifts of refugees from Rwanda to Zaire, it was later discovered, by a reporter from The Virginian-Pilot, that Operation Blessing's planes were transporting diamond-mining equipment for the Robertson-owned African Development Corporation, a venture Robertson had established in cooperation with Zaire's dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko, whom Robertson had befriended earlier in 1993."

"On the August 22, 2005 broadcast of The 700 Club, Robertson said of Venezuelan President Hugo Ch�vez, "I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war, and I don�t think any oil shipments will stop.""

"On his November 10, 2005 broadcast of The 700 Club, Robertson told citizens of Dover, Pennsylvania that they had rejected God by voting out of office all seven members of the school board who support intelligent design.

"I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: if there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God, you just rejected him from your city", Robertson said on his broadcast.

And don't wonder why He hasn't helped you when problems begin, if they begin. I'm not saying they will, but if they do, just remember, you just voted God out of your city. And if that's the case, don't ask for His help because He might not be there.""

Daaang, that's cold. And a bald faced lie.

"On the July 14, 2005 broadcast of the The 700 Club, he claimed that "Islam, at its core, teaches violence.""

That is only a small section, and the Koran itself does not seem to promote hatred and killing.

"Robertson claims on his web site that through training and his "Age-Defying energy shake", he is able to leg press 5,000 pounds while others claim he is a liar, pushing a common energy formula. [54] 5,000 pounds would be an exceptional accomplishment for a world-class athlete, to say nothing of a 76-year-old man like Robertson."


How absurd.

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