White Stripes concert

September 15, 2003, 7:53 p.m.

I was just checking out some livejournal diaries and I have to say that they kind of suck....no offense to anyone, and if they disagree with me, then sign my guestbook or something or the little message board thing on the right and try to prove me wrong.

I was so depressed today after school. I really want to go to the White Stripes concert. There's a girl at my school (a senior) and she's going to the White Stripes concert. She was talking about it today and it made me incredibly jealous.

Joel was begging her to take him with her. Hmm. I never knew that he liked the White Stripes. He has good taste in music. Another reason to like him....

I'm going to be busy tomorrow night anyway...I'm going to the Newsboys concert at the fair.

I like the Newsboys, but I don't know them as well as the White Stripes, so obviously I'd like the White Stripes better.

But you know, even if I wasn't going to be busy tomorrow, I still wouldn't be able to go.

My parents would never let me.

I can't even think of all the excuses they'd make.

Which really sucks. I'm dying to go. This is like a once in a lifetime opportunity. I want to see Jack White live!! (That's liv, not lyve).

Anyway, princess_kat133 on neopets came back!!! Finally! She'd been gone for forever, away in Arkansas...but she's back!!

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