Loneliness and Depression

May 15, 2004, 12:20 p.m.

S. has gone over to the other side...don't ask me to explain. I don't feel like it.

When L spent the night last night, we watched Hangman's Curse. I love that movie. Jake Richardson is really hot as a goth. Anyway...we'd also rented the Matrix and the Faculty but we couldn't watch them, because L's dad said she wasn't allowed to watch them. Since they're rated R. It sucks but her dad kind of freaks me out, so I didn't push it all that much.

Everyone here went to the Art Museum. They asked me if I wanted to go but I said no. Now I'm really regretting it. I'm feeling really lonely and depressed right now. Even though I've already been to the art museum twice and it was really boring.

I'm always secluding myself and separating myself from others. At the time, I think it's what I want, but then everyone leaves and I'm left with an extremely empty, hollow feeling.

I don't like it but I don't think I can change it.

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