You better move on

Monday, Aug. 16, 2010, 21:55

So it's the night before I leave for college tomorrow and move in to my dorm. Six hours away. I'm not quite sure how I feel. I'm not nervous. I think. I'm more....sad. I think. I don't know. Conflicted. I already miss my dog. And I haven't even left yet!

I had to say goodbye to my grandparents today. It was especially hard to say goodbye to my dad's mom...she's 91 and not doing so hot. I worry that it was the last time I will ever see her. (God I feel like getting choked up just thinking about it!)

And I'm really stressed out about getting there...and fitting all my stuff into the car. We fit the majority of stuff in there already but I still have stuff that I'm going to be using before we leave that I haven't tried to put in yet. How's it all going to fit?? I'm so stressed out :(

Also, everything is so squished in the trunk that I'm worried something will break. I'm so nervous.

But then earlier this evening I was all like, "Yeah, I'm really excited to meet new friends!" And then half an hour later I felt like crying, reminiscing about the "old" days when I was little. It's easy to do that when you've lived in the same house your entire life.

So we'll see what tomorrow brings. This will be interesting. I must get through this.

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