Tuesday, Jun. 22, 2010, 21:59

Steve Marriott est en ma maison. Non, mon lit. Ha, je souhaite! Je veux Steve en mon lit, mais il est un mort........

or something like that...? I forgot how to say "dead man." Or even just "dead." Is it just "il est mort?" I dunno. I must learn.

I am having too much fun trying to figure out French, though. I must have spent at least 5 hours today working in my workbook doing the exercises and trying to learn the irregular verbs �tre, aller, vouloir, and avoir. I think I did remarkably well, though it will take some practice, of course. :) But it is so much fun, I'm really enjoying it. It's already a lot easier to read a block of French text and get a gist of what the overall point of it is, what they're talking about. Like a French article on a French news site I found. I was so proud of myself :P

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