It's not as hard, hard, hard as it seems

Thursday, Jun. 03, 2010, 16:30

Ahhhhh the neighbor kids are being so annoying!!!! Okay, I'm glad that they play outside and are not couch potatoes, but they're so loud and have no sense of "Oh, maybe I shouldn't be here because this isn't my parents' property." They live 2 houses down but are always running around our house screaming and playing tag and stuff.

I didn't mind at first because I thought, "Well, I was the same way, so I guess it's alright." But then when I thought about it more, I remembered that I actually wasn't like that. Even C. said the same thing on Saturday. Sure, sometimes we would venture into someone else's yard but it was rare, and when we did we didn't stay long and I was always trying to be very quiet - I didn't want anyone to know we were there. I didn't know them, I felt a sense of "I don't belong here.

Of course, I still feel like that a lot. I dunno...

Hah...god I am so horrible.

SO. 2 months and 2 or so weeks until I move. Eeeek. I get nervous just thinking about it. I was looking up stuff on the residence halls I applied to (I still don't know which one I will be living in), and the schedule for the orientation. The part that makes me the most nervous is that I will know absolutely NO ONE. And I SUCK at making friends. I'm afraid I'll give up and isolate myself and get really depressed. I'm afraid I'll revert back into being painfully shy and start tearing up when I get really uncomfortable and stressed.

I'm so nervous about it.

Hopefully I'll only be there for a year and a half though. I hope to study abroad in England for at least one semester.

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