Constipated Duck

Saturday, Apr. 25, 2009, 22:29

I love how no one ever reads this anymore. Except for me. La-la-lovely.

I went to Half Price Books today and bought 3 records - Beggars Banquet, and It's Only Rock and Roll by the Stones and David Bowie's Station to Station. And then I went to Borders and bought Wired (Jeff Beck) for only $6. Originally $12 but it was 50% off. How cool is I bought it. Great stuff. I love Jeff Beck, if he ever comes back up here for a concert I will definitely go. I didn't go the last time he came (I don't even know when that was) because I was a dumbass and didn't know who the hell he was. Luckily I now know.

Man. Is it really only 22:33/10:30? Jeez. I just got really tired all of a sudden. I hate it when I am tired on weekend nights but wide awake on it around.

I was supposed to go to M's today...but I totally forgot. So she called my cell phone and here but I was record shopping and I didn't have my cell phone with me, it was on the charger at home. So I get home and see that she's called and I just go, "Oh shit."

It's kind of funny I guess. I've never forgotten before. This is a first. I totally spaced.

GOD I AM SO TIRED. I'm going to bed right after this album is over. This is a good album. He always gives his songs really weird names though. Really they seem to come out of nowhere, they never have anything to do with anything else. Like, Constipated Duck on Blow by Blow. What? He probably just hates coming up with titles. Just a guess. I also hate coming up with titles for things. Like for my photography. When I upload it to DeviantArt, I am forced to title it. I have the stupidest titles for my pictures, I would rather not title them.

And here. I hate coming up with the title/description for every entry. It takes me 5 minutes to come up with anything.

And titles for papers.

So I can totally understand why he might want to name his songs really randomly. That sounds like something I would do. In fact, I do do that already.


2 1/2 songs left. I'm sleep-sleep-sleepy. So tired. Tired tired tired tired. People who say the Stones should retire piss me off. Why the hell should they retire? And why would they retire? Music is what they do. When you retire, you do what you love to do. But they're already doing what they love to do. Why is that such a hard concept? Jeez.

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