Detached thoughts...floating around in my head like feathers in a breeze

Wednesday, Apr. 08, 2009, 22:59

Wow. I just realized it's been about 11 hours since I ate anything. No wonder I'm hungry. I should go get something to eat.

Mom and Whatserface are flying back from San Francisco right now. They went down for two days for a college visit.

Today was very frustrating, homework-wise. I spent an hour on one math problem and I still didn't get the right answer. Eventually I just had to give up and move on to the next problem because it was taking too long. I hate that though. If I start something I want to finish it. Ya know? Even if it is something that I hate and am totally frustrated with. In fact, I think it's the frustration that just gets me going even more.

I dunno.

There's a guy in both of my classes who has been nice to me. It's kind of creeping me out. Isn't that weird? That I get creeped out when people are nice to me? I am too paranoid. I'm so used to thinking that everyone thinks that they're better than me, and people only talk to me because they feel sorry for me. Because I'm such a loser (although I am not really a loser). I have always had that was interesting reading about it in my psychology text book. Depressed and formerly depressed people (and luckily I am among the formerly depressed) have a tendency to dismiss compliments, overanalyze criticism, have feelings of unworthiness, and wonder why anyone would want to be friends with or spend any time with them. Like they are not worth the time of day.

I do have that problem. I have trouble trusting people's intentions and when someone is nice to me I wonder why.

It took me forever to realize that I was thinking that way. Now that I know that not everyone thinks that way and it's not completely normal, it's something I'm working on...

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