Not diggin' it

December 24, 2008, 11:09 p.m.

Christmas eve. It's almost over.

I don't really have anything to say, I just wanted to make an entry on Christmas eve.

While most of today was good (I walked through a mix of snow, slush and ice to Sonia's house and we ate really good homemade tamales and watched Rear Window and then went to Fred Meyer), our annual neighborhood Christmas party was really lame.

Like, really. The only people who came are people we see all the time already.

Ugh. Such a downer.

So now I'm up here in my room by myself listening to David Bowie. I think I might watch Half Nelson soon. Sonia gave me Half Nelson and the Ring for Christmas.

I'm ready for Christmas eve to be over though. Actually, I'm ready for all of Christmas to be over. NO, actually I'm ready for all of the holidays to be over.

I don't want to go back to school though. That I don't want.

Anyway...I might write again in a few hours. Who knows.

My bed just moved. That freaked me out. But I know it's just because the way I'm sitting on it. I'm leaning on the wall and it's pushing the bed away from the wall...

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