Musical Escapades Vol. VII

December 12, 2008, 11:51 p.m.

I just listened to a bunch of Muddy Waters music. That was cool. I'm starting to get more interested in blues. Hah, I think that's in part because I've been listening to TP's radio show on XM, and he plays lots of blues stuff. It's rubbing off on me.

And it's making it more interesting listening to music I've heard for years, because you can totally hear where people got their influences from. I think it's pretty interesting.

A few days ago I listened to a lot of Bill Haley and the Comets, who were a big influence on the Beatles. They were good, too.

And Chuck Berry, well, he's just so effing awesome.

I downloaded the UK version of Aftermath today. Pretty good. It's funny - the US and UK versions cost the same, but the UK one has more songs on it. The only song the UK version doesn't have is Paint It Black but that's okay because I already have that song. But it's weird. Why would anyone even buy the US version?

Nice. It's like midnight now but I'm not going to bed for awhile. I've been listening to music for four hours now.

I love this though. Just sitting on the computer finding things that I can do absentmindedly to occupy myself while listening to music.

That sounds really pathetic.

I need to get a life outside my computer...except it's hard because my friends are in Oregon...and Seattle....

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