New Heartbreakers layout

November 26, 2008, 5:47 p.m.

New layout.

It's totally awesome.

Except I don't know how to change the font properties of the archive pages. I hate that courier new font and the 9 point Times New Roman for the links. Obnoxious!


I wish this place had a currently listening to feature. It would be cool to go back and see what the hell I've been listening to over the years. As if my profile doesn't do that already.

I'm trying to make my dad a website but I just remembered how much I hate making sites for other people because they have different ideas about what looks good and what works and I feel like I have no creative control.


humm humm humm hummmmm

Currently listening to: John Lennon - Out the Blue


We're going to the ocean tomorrow. So I will be without the internet for TWO DAYS. HEAVEN FORBID.

But I will have my wonderful, trusty iPod.

I just need to remember to put that Supertramp I loaded onto my computer onto my iPod. DON'T FORGET!

I'm hungry. I've been on the computer seriously all day. I got on when the sun was just coming up, and now it's dark and I'm still online. Is that kind of pathetic? I have no life, sorry.

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