Nerrrvvouusss, I haven't seen these people since Januaryyy

November 22, 2008, 6:19 p.m.

I have to go to Jessica's going away party in 10-15 minutes and I'm so fricken nervous for some reason. Because I haven't seen any of these people in about 11 months. 11 months! Babies have been conceived and born in that amount of time. Crazy insane. Man. I almost wonder if they even like me any more since I've been so distant.

I don't know. I'm nervous. I have to leave at 6:30 if I'm going to be there at 7. But I kind of don't want to be there right at 7. I kind of want to show up fashionably late. Y'know?

Jeezus. I am so nervous. I would feel better if I knew Caitlin was going to be there I think. But I don't know if she is.

Although...would I feel better?

I don't know. I have no idea!

I don't really want to go.

Because I'm nervous.

I'd rather just stay at home and listen to music. Which is my favorite thing in the world to do. Really. I love music.

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