Oak Tree Park again - third and last Day of Caring at SOTA

September 21, 2007, 9:13 a.m.


In 7 minutes I have to get ready for MENTOR PROJECT GROUP DAY OF CARING DAY! 5 and a half full hours from 10:30 AM - 4:00 PM of cleaning up a park I detest anyway. I am not too happy about this.

Erica's MPG is going to be there too though, and she has to work at 5:00 so I think my mom is coming a bit early to pick her up so she can take a shower and stuff blah blah blah so I'm just going to go home with them a little early. Heck yeah, I ain't gonna stay any longer than is absolutely necessary. Screw that.

I hate this park. I put up with it last year, because I guess I was pretty good at pretending to care about it, but I don't know if I can do that another whole 10 months...


I'm supposed to be there in an hour and 15 minutes. So to get there I have to take the bus downtown and then get on another bus for 20 minutes. I DO NOT WANT TO, DANG NABBIT. SHEESH. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THAT STUPID PARK.

I wish this day were over. I wish it were about 5:00 right now.

I'm considering skipping. I probably really would if my dad weren't home and going to be sticking around all day. Shoot. Because I really don't want to go. It's cold outside too. I'm going to be freezing. ALL DAY.

9:25 EDIT
Maybe I'll go late. Procrastination's my game.

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