April 02, 2007, 4:13 p.m.

JEEZ, I am so frustrated with Erica...I'm really tempted to say I hate her but for some reason that I don't quite know I'm not going to.

So I have to lock up my cookies and other sweets because otherwise she will steal them and eat them (and even when I confront her about it she won't admit it. I also have to lock up my digital camera, otherwise she will take it without asking and use it just to take stupid slutty pictures of herself for myspace. Last time she took a picture of her crotch). Last night I forgot to lock up a box of cookies and today I find that there are 3 missing. My dad sometimes takes food but he always asks, and my mom gave up all sweets and stuff for Lent, so I KNOW it was her. WHICH PISSES ME OFF. The ONE time I forget, she just reinforces the fact that she's not trustworthy. I should not even HAVE to lock my cookies up! It's rediculous.

Aaand lately she's been trying to steal my laptop, which she said was a stupid purchase (like her hookah wasn't a stupider one). A few days ago I was taking a nap and when I was sleeping my sister came and took my laptop and then I found her on myspace....I wouldn't care much if she used it if she just ASKED. Of course, she never will. It's just not something she does. Anyway yeah she took it today and tried to use it, only I had logged out and she didn't know the password. Hahahahahaha sucks for her. But jeez...she needs to learn to ask before she takes things.

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