Ian and Out of Mouth is leaving

June 14, 2004, 2:31 p.m.

Ian and the rest of the band are leaving to go somewhere else. I probably won't see them for a really long time. And I don't care if I sound really stupid right now, but I'm actually really upset about it. I mean, they're some of the coolest, nicest people I know.

They are the best local band that I know of and I really don't want them to leave. I don't know what the church is going to do now, without the band, they're going to have to get another band within three weeks. And that band is probably going to suck compared to Ian's band.

He told us backstage right before we were going to go play the song we were playing. He said that he was resigning. We though he was joking at first. He wasn't. We asked him why, and he said it was because he was having a hard time making very good friends there. The guys were all a little older than him and the girls all just wanted to date him.

He did sound kind of sad as he was telling us. It was dark though so I can't say for sure.

Then after that we just talked about normal stuff. Well, sort of normal...lol he trusted us enough to tell us who he liked, and he pointed her out to us. He said he'd met her at a wedding that he and the band had played at (she wasn't the bride, she was a bridesmaid) and they were slow dancing together...haha that sounds so sweet...anyway and then Erica asked him if he still was dating his girlfriend, but he said they had broken up, because she was too high matinence. She was kind of...high matinence...I sat next to her one time and she spent the whole time putting on lotion and makeup while we were supposed to be listening to the speaker.

His "crush" now looks like she'd suit him better. They should get together. That would be sweet. And then they'd get married and then he'd want us to play at their wedding and then that way I'd see him again. God I'm so dumb, like that would ever happen...

Ian's so fun to talk to, he was telling us a whole bunch of inside jokes and stuff.

He's really cool...I'm going to miss him! This has been all I've been thinking about for the last two days, I've been moping around, being depressed that I won't be seeing him again anytime soon. And that now the music is going to suck at church. They were like the only connection I had there and now it's gone...

Sorry if I sound like an idiot, I'm just kind of upset.

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