fluttering hearts

February 24, 2004, 10:16 p.m.

Wow I can't believe I'm still this in love with a certain person after a year...I thought it wouldn't last long, I though I wouldn't be in love with him still after a year, but here I am, still getting heart palpitations every single time I look at his picture...

btw this person is Elijah. Lol. Like you didn't know that already, looking at my name. ^_^

You know...elijah1981. I chose 1981 because thats the year he was born. If you were wondering. Only now I think I would have chosen a different username, like ilove-elijah or something. Or even elijah-wood. But of course...I was still a newbie at diaryland then.

Anyway I was on always and forever and I seriously had to stop looking at pictures of him and his eyes because I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

That may sound really weird but its true. I am what you may call an...let's see...obsessed fan? I think it's a little scary, actually...

Well I gotta go...btw dont tease me!!! Lol I already know I'm a freak. HAHAHA okay ttyl bye.

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